Wednesday, August 17, 2011

On the journey

This is me on a spiritual path.  I don't know where it's going, much like this post.  I don't know if I'll be on the same path a year from now.  I don't even know if I'll still be interested in writing about it.

What I do know is I want  to write about it now.  I want to write about my experiences searching for a place - and a way - to express my beliefs.  Those beliefs are still being worked out too.  I think they are some of the same beliefs I've always had.  I have new ways of speaking and thinking about them that are too wonderful to ignore.  And I want to share all of that with whoever might be out there.

I'll work out what I write here as I go.  I might let you know about an inspiring website that got me thinking.  I might talk about a new divination technique I tried, or a new tarot spread that breathed new life into my tarot practice.  I might even post about something the minister said at church that week. (For now, I am attending a Unity church near where I live.  I'll let you know how that's going too.)

If you are a fellow seeker on a path of your own, please let me know about you - only as much as you're comfortable sharing.  Let's start a conversation!

Now it's your turn.  How do you feel about the path you're on?